Fet per: 루시아

BTS, també coneguts com BangTan Sonyeodan, és un grup de hip-hop de corea del sud que esta format per: Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Rap Monster, Jimin, V i Jungkook.
-Kim Seok-ji(김석진): (25 anys) Més conegut per el seu nom artístic, Jin, es un cantant, model, compositor, ballarí i MC sud-coreà.

-Min Yoon-gi (민윤기): (25 anys) Més conegut per els seus noms artístics Suga i Agust D es un raper, compositor i producte sud-coreà.

 -Jung Ho-seok (정 호석): (24 anys) Conegut per el seu nom artístic J-Hope es un ballarí, coreògraf, raper, cantant, compositor, model i productor sud-coreà.

-Kim Nam-joon (김남준): (23 anys) Conegut per el seu nom artístic Rap Monster, es un raper, ballarí, compositor, productor i model sud-coreà. Des de 2013, es el lider i raper principal de la banda BTS, en la agencia de Big Hit Entertainment. En 2015,va llançar el seu primer mixtape en solitari, anomenat RM.

-Park Ji-min (박지민): (22 anys) Més conegut per el seu nom homònim Jimin, es un cantant, ballarí, coreògraf, model i MC sud-coreà. 

-Kim Tae Hyung (김태형): (22 anys(si lo tocas te muerdo😈)) Més conegut per el seu nom artístic V, es un cantant,model, actor, ballarí, compositor i MC sud-coreà.

 - Jeon Jung Kook (전 정국): (20 anys (si lo tocas te muerdo😈)) Conegut com Jungkook, es un cantant, ballarí, raper, compositor, productor i model sud-coreà.

El 13 de juny del 2013 van debutar amb la cançó «No More Dream».
El grup de fans es diu A.R.M.Y (Adorable Representativa MC for Youth).
A mes amb el senzill Blood Sweats and Tears van batre el record de l'artista estranger que mes ràpid va aconseguir vendre 200.000 copies d'un disc des de el seu debut.
Aquesta banda a rebut cinc premis al millor nou artista en Corea del Sud, incloure el premi ''New Artist of the Year'' dels Melon Music Awards de 2013.
Vaig coneixer BTS a través d'una amiga que em va ensenyar la cançó a classe i em van començar a agradar aquests tipus de cançons perquè consumeixen els seus videoclips i tradueixen les seves lletres amb fervor. Com el k-pop no es molt habitual escoltar-lo a Espanya, només l'escolto a YouTube.
Escolto aquest tipus de musica a totes hores perquè m'agrada molt.


BTS, also known as BangTan Sonyeodan, is a South Korean hip-hop group that consists of: Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Rap Monster, Jimin, V and Jungkook.

-Kim Seok-jin (김석진): (25 years old) Best known for his stage name, Jin, is a singer, model, composer, dancer and South Korean MC.

-Min Yoon-gi (민윤기): (25 years old) Best known for his artistic names Suga and Agust D are a rapper, composer and South Korean product.

-Jung Ho-seok (정 호석): (24 years old) Known for his stage name J-Hope is a dancer, choreographer, rapper, singer, songwriter, model and South Korean producer.

-Kim Nam-joon (김남준): (23 years old) Known for his stage name Rap Monster, is a rapper, dancer, composer, producer and South Korean model. Since 2013, he is the leading and main rapper of the BTS band, at the Big Hit Entertainment agency. In 2015, he released his first solo mixtape, called RM.

-Park Ji-min (박지민): (22 years old) Best known for his homonymous name Jimin, is a singer, dancer, choreographer, model and South Korean MC.

-Kim Tae Hyung (김태형): (22 years old (if you touch him I bite you)) Best known for his stage name V, he is a singer, model, actor, dancer, composer and South Korean MC.

- Jeon Jung Kook (전 정국): (20 years old (if you touch him I bite you)) Known as Jungkook, is a singer, dancer, rapper, composer, producer and South Korean model.

On June 13, 2013 they debuted with the song "No More Dream".
The fan group is called A.R.M.Y (Adorable Representative MC for Youth).
In addition, with the simple Blood Sweats and Tears, they beat the memory of the foreign artist who was able to sell 200,000 copies of a record since its debut.
This band has received five awards for the best new artist in South Korea, including the "New Artist of the Year" award for the Melon Music Awards 2013.
I met BTS through a friend who taught me the song in class and they began to like these types of songs because they consume their video clips and translate their lyrics with fervor. As the k-pop is not very common to listen to it in Spain, I only listen to YouTube.
I listen to this type of music at all hours because I really like it.


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